The Story
Frankly Gin, a passion for bringing together Good Times + Family + Friends all over a good quality, locally sourced Gin and Tonic, made right here in beautiful South Australia.
Quite Frankly, it's the only way to live.

My background is technical, communications, Internet and project management, roles which provide defined parameters, structure and results. Brewing and distilling has many parallels, but you also have so many influential steps and processes that can create a brilliant outcome, I have embraced the freedom and how personalised you can be to call something your own.
After years of brewing for friends and family, I started to sway away from beer to the lighter side calories wise, distilling with a friend of mine.
Constantly looking for the perfect product, I gravitated toward Gin’s as that also had the support of the growing dedicated supporters that typically descend upon our place on a Sunday afternoon. Many good afternoons, family, BBQ’s and laughs, with each continuously improving the Gin, the catch phrase being
"The best one yet!"
What made FRANKLY? It based on products which can be locally sourced such as the fruits and herbs we grow in our garden, the produce from our family in the Riverland and also more broadly in South Australia, then combining all of those influences to create what I have been able to present in the bottle.