Frankly Gin Dry Citrus Gin 185ml
Our award winning Australian Dry Citrus Gin offers a unique blend of sweet Riverland home grown Mandarin and Almond, freshly picked Thai Basil foraged from our garden offering a soft undertone of anise flavour with a hint of cinnamon.
Distinct aromas of citrus and cinnamon, our Dry Citrus Gin is an easy to drink crowd pleasing Gin that Quite Frankly, will satisfy the most discerning taste bud.
Do I look cheeky? Well actually I'm the sensible one.... capped at 6 standard drinks, you and your friend have your BBQ drinks sorted! Pair it with two of our Tonics and you're good to go!
I may look cheeky but I'm sensible, and still want to have a good time!
Quite Frankly, it's genius.....
30ml Dry Citrus Gin
90 ml StrangeLove Light Tonic or Tonic No 8
Served in a small crystal tumbler glass full of large cubed ice
Garnished with a fresh Grapefruit segment & Rosemary sprig
At only 83 calories per serve, Quite Frankly, why wouldn’t you?
30ml Dry Myrtle Gin
90ml StrangeLove Coastal Tonic | Tonic No 8
Served in a small crystal tumbler glass full of large cubed ice
Garnished with fresh Strawberry slices and Mint
At only 89 calories per serve, Quite Frankly, why wouldn’t you?